Wedding Speech
God exists beyond the dimensions of our universe. He is three individuals:
- The Father all knowing, and unfathomably wise
- The Son all powerful, yet humbled as the baby Jesus
- The Holy Spirit all present, with whom we commune
Their bond is so intimate it obscures their individualities; a perfect unity in diversity.
And God said, “Let us create humans in our image”,
and God created them male and female.
God created first Adam,
who found no companion among all the animals,
so God created Eve from his rib.
When Adam awoke to her exquisite visage,
he exclaimed “Woah man!”.
Therefore a man and a woman
leave the one-ness of their parents
and bond with each other to form a new entity.
Marriage reflects that unity of diversity;
two unique individuals combine their strengths
and compensate their weaknesses.
Marriage reflects Jesus’ return for his bride
when those who choose to serve him
will be united in eternity.
A wedding is but a day,
Marriage is a lifetime.
Put more effort into your marriage
than your wedding.
Tough times will come.
We celebrate with you today.
We will accompany you through life;
to ease the tough times
and to celebrate the good times
as we do life together.