God doesn’t care how many people go to Hell
… but he absolutely delights in those precious rare gems who devote their lives seeking him.
I present this contentious statement to counter the satanic lie that you’ll get into heaven by being good and the delusion that I’ll be ok because “I’m just as good as the next guy.” News flash: you’re imperfect. If you went to heaven you’d make heaven imperfect. God cannot tolerate imperfection.
In John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father except through me.”
This claim is exclusive – either Jesus is God or he’s the world’s greatest swindler. If he’s true, you must believe him and receive his solution. If he’s false, you must reject him – there’s no middle ground – Jesus can’t be just a wonderful prophet or moral teacher while claiming to be God.
Anyone who says otherwise is a liar – even the Pope who says that Muslims and Jews need not turn to God to reach heaven. Any “church” that excludes other churches are thereby claiming that they – not Jesus are the way to God.
Now this puts God in a real dilemma. He created us to fill heaven with the perfection of his likeness, but we’re all damaged goods that are only good for the fire. God created Hell for the devil and his fellow fallen angels. He didn’t create it for people, but it’s the only alternate afterlife to Heaven.
The good news is in John 3:16 God loved the world this way: He gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life. 17 God sent his Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but to save the world. 18 Those who believe in him won’t be condemned. But those who don’t believe are already condemned because they don’t believe in God’s only Son. 19 This is why people are condemned: The light (Jesus) came into the world. Yet, people loved the dark rather than the light because their actions were evil. 20 People who do what is wrong hate the light and don’t come to the light. They don’t want their actions to be exposed. 21 But people who do what is true come to the light so that the things they do for God may be clearly seen.
We all like to embrace the nice, loving side of God. Currently we live under an amnesty to hand over our imperfection to Jesus, who will cover us with his perfection so that we can appear as perfect before God. However, Jesus will return to judge the world and every person who has or will ever live. Out of compassion and my own selfish mercy, I deeply desire that God might have some other trick up his sleeve for those who have not accepted Jesus. But this is contrary to what God has revealed in the Bible. If such a hope were the case then God would be a liar. We must seek God with all our energy or face eternity in Hell.
How can it be that our all-loving God doesn’t care how many people go to Hell? First, let me clarify, that this is my personal theory – contrary to most well-respected preachers. God has created plenty of space in heaven for every person ever born – and all the host of angels. He so dearly wants to fill heaven with those who delight in his presence. To remedy our imperfection, God has created us with a desire to seek him, however most of us quench that desire with other things – luxuries, sex, good works. God has revealed his intentions through his spokespeople in every generation since Adam and Eve, but we refuse to listen. God has provided us with his written word – also since the beginning. But people dismiss the Bible as being of human origin. In rejecting God, they make up all manner of logically embellished theories to support the lie that he does not exist, or if he does, he will not destroy his beloved, yet defective creation. In fulfillment of ancient prophecies, God came as the man, Jesus, who lived a perfect life. But we rejected and killed him. The twist is that that was God’s intention – that his death would pay the ransom for our imperfection. All of this was prophesied since the beginning. God has since provided a multitude of witnesses to this fact, reaching every culture. God has done everything he can to warn us of our destruction and to provide the means by which we can be saved. We have a lifetime to choose him or by default reject God’s provision. For those who die without receiving his restoration, they will stand before his throne guilty – not only of imperfection, but having rejected him. He will reject us without pity, full of righteous anger that we have treated his generous mercy through the death of his only son with contempt. God does not care how many will go to Hell because he has done absolutely everything possible to save us. He can send us off to Hell with a clear conscience just as a farmer sends his lambs off to the slaughterhouse, knowing he has done everything to provide them a good life. But God delights in every one of us who delights in him. We might be imperfect, and continuing to struggle with sin, but he delights that we seek him first and actively choose against rebelling against him. When he raises us to immortality, we will finally be able to choose not to sin. We will have passed the test in this lifetime that we choose him, that we will not rebel as Lucifer/Satan did. Satan rebelled in spite of a perfect understanding of God. We are imperfect out of ignorance, which is forgivable and redeemable.
This puts a different perspective on when Jesus will return to collect his bride – that is, the people who seek him above all else. God wants as many in heaven as possible. This means he will delay destroying the earth until no more can be saved. Our world will reject him more and immerse itself in impurity. We will indulge in genetic experimentation such that as in the days of Noah, few remain that are purely human and able to be saved. At this time, God will destroy the evil and start again – just as he did with Noah’s flood.
In the new universe, there will be no imperfection and none who would be tempted to rebel against him. God will delight in all of those rare and precious jewels – that is those who delight in him more than even their own lives. God doesn’t care how many are destroyed to fill heaven with such beauty – those sinners will be burned up like straw after the harvest – a mere by-product of the harvest of righteous souls.
You may choose to reject such a God, and judge him as callous, but God doesn’t want such people anyway and will reciprocate that judgement – good luck with that – you’ll need it.
I beg you to seek God while you still have a chance.
I pray that this message will challenge your preconceptions of God and stimulate your thoughts towards seeking him.
Blessings and Shalom
In love.
– Brent