The UAE-Israel treaty and end times
Question: “Just want to hear your thoughts about Israel and UAE recent peace agreement and flights starting to fly between the two nations. Any reference to the end time?”
Thanks for a great question. Anything and everything happening in and around Israel seems to have something to do with end times. The question is how much.
Some may wonder if this is related to the peace treaty that the Antichrist enforces for seven years. Could this be a forerunner to this? The idea would be that various countries that were antagonistic with Israel develop warmer ties and this eventually leads to the treaty with Israel and many other countries enforced by the Antichrist in Daniel 9:27. This does seem to be part of the Trump peace plan under the diplomacy of his son in law, Jared Kushner.
I don’t think Trump’s peace deal is related to that treaty. I expect that treaty to be championed by the ten nations of a restored Roman empire around the Mediterranean – the feet of iron and clay of Daniel 2. These include Egypt, Libya and Sudan (Daniel 11:43), which are the three horns (rulers) overthrown by the little horn (the Antichrist) in Daniel 7:8 This scenario doesn’t even make sense at the moment, which suggests that we’re decades away from the tribulation.
Over recent years, we’ve seen warming relations between Israel and the Arabian nations. This is rooted in “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Arabia faces an aggressive enemy in Iran. It’s a bit like historic wars between Protestant and Catholic nations. Arabia is Sunni, and Iran is Shia. They see the others as blasphemous heretics who must be dealt with. See Why Saudi Arabia and Iran are bitter rivals. This is quite different to Israel, whom they don’t like much, but are no apparent threat. The United Arab Eremites beat the Saudis to a treaty with Israel, but the Saudis and other Arabian nations look like they’ll soon follow. For them, Israel is a powerful and influential ally against their common enemy in Iran.
This treaty seems to be a step closer to the conditions of the war of Ezekiel 38-39. My biased translation of this makes this very clear: When Russia invades Israel, in alliance with Iran, Turkey, Libya and Sudan, and many other nations, Arabia and the English nations will protest this apparent land-grab. This implies that Arabia will be on good terms with Israel, and the English nations will be in no position to intervene. This seems to be a few years away as Russia is on reasonable terms with Israel, Sudan is currently making peace with Israel and America’s intervention is too great a risk for Russia. Many speculate a catastrophe will hit America to prepare the way for this, preferably the rapture. God’s intervention in this battle will be so devastating and obvious, it will end atheism, and reset geopolitics to raise the Mediterranean empire to the world power. I imagine this battle to be a pre-apocalypse, firmly reminding the world of God’s plan and intervention to draw all people to him. I speculate the tribulation could be 40 years after this, just as the temple was destroyed 40 years after Jesus’ ministry. In that time, where will be a huge harvest of people into the kingdom of God.
I hope this helps to open up some thoughts for your own ponderings.
– Brent