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Christmas for dummies
A virgin's child

There were many prophecies about God coming as a human to restore all people to him and to rule over the world.  One of the most famous is Isaiah’s prophecy around 700BC of a virgin bearing a child who would be called Emanuel, which means “God with us”.

1. In Isaiah chapter seven
Isaiah spoke for the Lord.
Isn't it enough that you
try the patience of mortals?

Must you also try
the patience of my God?
So the Lord himself
will give you this sign.
A virgin will be with child.
And she will give birth to a son.
And he'll be called Emanuel,
God with us.
And he'll be called Emanuel.
And he'll be called Emanuel.
And he'll be called Emanuel,
God with us.
2. He will eat cheese and honey
until he knows how
to reject evil
and choose good.
3. Indeed before the boy knows how
to reject evil and choose good,
the land of the two kings
who terrify you will be deserted.

This prophecy talks about two kings who were enemies of Israel around 700BC.  They ruled over Syria and northern Israel.  I understand that these same regions were a problem around the time of Jesus’ birth, but were subdued by the Romans before Jesus was in his teens.

