Why I believe the Bible is true

Creation vs. evolution is nothing new. The ancient Greek philosophers debated this prior to interaction with Judaism. Stoic philosophers logically deduced that the gods created and sustained everything, whereas the Epicureans logically deduced that all things came about spontaneously.
“The stoics … believed that the universe was fundamentally
rational. Where the Epicureans thought the universe of atoms was accidental.”
https://www.quora.com/ What-are-the-main-differences-between-epicureanism-and-stoicism
Evolutionism assumes God does not exist, then attempts to explain our origins. This is a valid mathematical approach – to make an assumption, then follow the logical consequences until all possible outcomes are proven or a contradiction is reached. Incorrect assumptions quickly lead to contradictions.
The question of origins begins with “Where did I come from?” My parents. They came from their parents etc. Evolution theorizes our distant ancestors were primates, mammals, dinosaurs, fish, amoeba, primordial soup etc. More generically evolution rightly observes that everything comes from some predecessor. Eventually, we come to some unexplainable cause. Many are open to the idea of calling this a god. But where did this god come from? A greater god or a father god. Greek mythology anyone? If one follows this ad-infinitum, we arrive at an infinite God who is without cause. With such a God, we don’t need any of those theoretical intermediate steps. We thereby validate the Bible’s description of a God infinite in knowledge, power and location.
Some think that God expended himself in the effort of creation and is no more. Mathematically if 99% of infinity is expended, you’re left with infinity.
To prove God does not exist, one would need to go everywhere, everywhen and have unlimited power.
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