Why I believe the Bible is true
References and recommendations
is my go-to resource for scientific defence of the bible. They have thousands of articles from highly accredited scientists and academics who argue the case for the Bible being historically and scientifically accurate.
https://www.youtube.com/ user/ CMIcreationstation
are a similar group who have built a full-sized replica of Noah’s ark with a museum and zoo. I really enjoy watching their regular Answers News magazine program: https://www.youtube.com/ channel/ UCicvc24eAbFp-thRrBnSP2A
Dr Ken Johnson

Ken is a quiet, unassuming guy who reads ancient texts in numerous languages before going to bed. He translates these for fun. I highly recommend him as a source for ancient books such as those below.
On his website, https://biblefacts.org, under Studies, he has numerous resources for fundamental Bible study, exposé of cults, early church history, creation history and biblical timelines.
On https://www.youtube.com/ user/ biblefactsorg, he regularly shares bible studies, topical discussions, and an information weekly Q&A.
Dr Chuck Missler

Chuck ran many US defence contractor businesses and was an ardent professor of the Bible. He had a keen interest in end times teaching, but also presenting the integrity of the Bible as divinely authored.
https://www.youtube.com/ user/ koinoniahouse/ videos
Ravi Zacharias

I marvel at Ravi Zakarias’ https://rzim.org/ apologetic reasoning and have watched numerous videos of this lectures and open Q&A on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/rzimmedia. I highly recommend Ravi for answers to the trickiest questions.
Book of Enoch

The book of Enoch is an apocryphal work quoted in the Bible by Peter and Jesus’ brothers James and Jude. It was included in the apocrypha of Ethiopian bibles. It claims to be passed down from Noah's Great Grandad. It describes extensively the fallen angels of Genesis 6:4 taking human brides and their resulting demonic offspring. This sheds very different light on why God had to destroy that ancient world with the flood. It also prophetically outlines history as 10 weeks of centuries i.e. 7,000 years.
http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe is a free online translation
You can buy Dr Ken Johnson’s translation on Amazon.
Book of Jubilees

The book of Jubilees is a historical account supposedly revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai. It’s focused on chronology, counting jubilees from creation. It provides detail of the division and allocation of the earth among Noah’s grandchildren.
http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/jub is a free online translation
You can buy Dr Ken Johnson’s translation on Amazon.
Book of Jasher

The book of Jasher is an ancient Jewish chronology that parallels Genesis to Joshua. It may be corrupted, and many stories seem embellished. It does provide fascinating insight such as several chapters on the evils of Sodom and Gomorrah being a combination of sexual immorality and an intense hatred for strangers.
http://www.sacred-texts.com/ chr/ apo/ jasher/ is a free online translation
You can buy Dr Ken Johnson’s translation on Amazon.
Ancient Post-Flood History

Written by Dr Ken Johnson is available on Amazon. It collates ancient historical records from around the world collaborating the Jewish account found in the Bible.
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